It's been a while. I seem to have allowed my blog to flag and fade. And that's sad. It used to be such a great outlet for me, and it was a creative place for me to talk about my many projects. But I'm still here. I think the blog being forgotten has coincided with the advent of parenthood. This blog followed me through my hard times. Through infidelity and the salvation of my marriage. Through my projects with the Oregon Regency Society, and through failed pregnancy after failed pregnancy. I did not write about my miscarriages, because those were so devastating to me.
But then you can see the moment on this blog when I tried to secretly reveal my pregnancy before the three-month 'safety' time, and then the pregnancy, and the joy of having my beautiful son. I've tried to show him growing up. Which is all-too-fast. They really don't lie when they tell new parents to soak it in, because it is so damned quick.
He's going to turn 8 in November. He started second grade today. We had a late start because we are dealing with the issues caused by the Oregon Fires and COVID. But he is at it today, working from a school-issued Chromebook and whiteboard, doing his work diligently. I have to keep him focused. But I think this might be okay.
What am I up to? Well, momming for one. I'm going a little crazy. I developed an anxiety disorder that appeared when my mom and brother arrived from New Hampshire. My mom passed away five years after my father did. And as it is with any Narcissist, life has been easier now that she is no longer around to drive me insane. But the anxiety issues never went away.
Honestly, lately, I have not done much. I've been weighed down by the heavy burden of depression, and all the things that I love have sort of fallen to the wayside. I've also allowed myself to get too absorbed in social media and let the current political climate to crush my spirit. But I feel like I'm crawling out of this pit of despair and am able to see the light of day. The fact that my kid is doing structured things during the week is a good thing. It has forced me to focus on his needs and not allowing him to spend the day playing Fortnite like a little screen-addict. Yes. It's insane. At seven, he's obsessed.
I have been doing some miniatures stuff and trying to finish some of the four books i have in mid-progress. Having too many books in the same series going at once has caused a hideous stall, and I have produced no new books for almost two years. It's terrible! I'm at 90% on one book, so I've resolved to finish and get it published so I can attack the next one. As my creative juices are starting to flow again, I need to be certain to finish one project before starting another, but I can't help getting sucked into the trap of new ideas. I need to learn to write the ideas down and leave them until I'm done working on prior projects.
If you want to see my other social media sites, where I've been marginally current.
Crafts and miniatures
Instagram for Feffie's Cottage:
Facebook for Feffie's Cottage:
Instagram for Miranda Mayer:
Facebook for Miranda Mayer:
Anywho.... Here are some pictures and videos I harvested from Facebook and whatnot to give you an idea of what I've been up to.
This year we had some losses, and some gains. We lost Simon, who was brutally killed by a Vacation Renter's malamute dog. But we found Miss Violet Rose, who has taken his place in our hearts. This was in May of last year.
We lost OC this year. This hit me a little harder than I thought it would. He was a good kitty. |
Alex met her the first time here, getting off the bus. This was a pretty sweet moment.
Here are some of the miniature things I've been working on. I continue to plug away at the McKinley. I'll make a full movie of the progress soon. In the meantime, here are some pictures I took along the way.
Miss Huxley's Magic Room
Adding ivy to the front of the townhouse
Soldering leaded windows
The library. I will be replacing the wallpaper
The Baby Cello project. I got this instrument from Kennedy Violins. It was doomed to go into the burn-pile as it had seen its best days already. So I repurposed it and turned it into the residence, workshop and shop for Mr. Patkany... the mouse-luthier. |
Ms. Pok lives downstairs in the cellar apartments. She supplies the silk for the violin-strings. |
The middle floor is where Mr. Patkany enjoys his meals and relaxes after a hard day of making instruments. |
Making violins and a cello
The street-scene project was fun.
Some rando pics of life at Casa Hungarican Chick.
Feffie's Cottage is a thing.
My gorgeous son. He's grown a little. |
We are legit. We have a logo. |
My son and the cat, who is not supposed to be allowed in my shed. |
The local bookshop and cafe are featuring my books. <3 |
My kid's feet next to my own. He's growing too quickly. Make it stop. |
Some summer illustrations for my sister's vacation rental.
Masks R Life nowadays.
More silliness for my sister's vacation house.
Yes. We were right in the thick of the fires, but we were lucky and they surrounded us, but never came into the mount hood corridor. This is an image my brother-in-law took of the Riverside fire from Sandy. Scary huh? |
Our shit neighbour has been doing some particularly douchey things lately. Although now I know his secret to staying thin and trim; aside from meth and booze, that is.
Home schooling has begun after fire and calamity and plague.
Here are some one-second0a
This is me singing a song.
This is me making a THC tincture.
That's it for today. I keep saying I'll post again soon. I am trying to mean it this time! Now that I have to sit through the school day with my kid, I guess I could fill the time actually creating content for this blog. It's been around so long, seems a pity to just let it die. <3 TTYL the HC