Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So yesterday's foray into the past made me poke around youtube to see what else I could find of the good and bad 80s music that floated my boat back yonder in the old country.

I came up with this parade of nostalgia:

I begin with FR David's "Words": I found this... "Live" performance (the audience is pretty much comatose... I like how they pan in on some woman who's half-heartedly mouthing words while rocking in her chair) in place of the video because the original vid from 1982 is so cheesy I'm actually embarrassed to share it. LOL. The song is cheesy too, but at 11 years old, to me it was pure musical genius and I was often bopping around the house singing "Words don't come easy" until my mother's ears bled. Next to my obsession with all things Beatles during my childhood; I believed this song was the cat's meow... I'm fairly sure he was a one-hit-wonder in Europe, but I'm not certain.

This song just rules. No denying. The Flying Pickets.

Oh, A-ha... ::swoon:: my first concert was one of theirs, and they are still one of my all-time favourite bands. I fantasized about Morten through my early teens, and still think that gaunt-faced Scandi is smokin' hot. Love the music, despite the lyris being barely intelligible.

Love the leather pants pulled up to Morten's nipples; Still beautiful though, even with the pompadour.

I love Kim Wilde... View From a Bridge was great song too.

This one isn't so obscure, I think it came to the States, right? Alphaville. [Edit: I just realized it was used in one of those 80s brat-pack movies, can't recall which one..]

I was dismayed to see this one used with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie; but it is still a great tune. The 80s were priceless, weren't they?

The video sort of has a drag-show quality to it doesn't it? Love the makeup and the swooshy top. His dance moves are Slllick baby. Good tune though, nonetheless. ;)

I have to stop, because I could be posting and youtubing all day at this rate. That's my nostalgia run for today. Enjoy.


storybeader said...

definitely Tarzan and boy, not Jane!

Theodosia Pixietwist said...

Great fun, thanks for sharing!


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